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Pilot Valve

Brand: Dearborn 1/4cc x 1/8 pipe  Dearborn Heaters  20,000--25,000-----28000----30000----35000-----400000 BTU pilot valve  Part # 5651-6011     12,000 BTU Pilot   Part# 5651-6010  For all A & B models
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Pilot Valve

Brand: Dearborn 1/4cc x 1/8" pipe  Dearborn Pilot For A&B models  12,000 BTU  Part # 5651-6010
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Special Application Heater Valve

Part #3838MMLV    3/8 male x 3/8 male  with 3" long pipePart#1438MMLV     1/4 male x 3/8 male3"  long pipe   Special applications that need valve away from the burner.Tapped for orifice. Orifice not...
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Stop Cock Washer

Fits Roberts Valves   Part#SWC100
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Texas Pattern Gas Cock

1/2" for $10.993/4" for $ 11.993/4" Female x 1/8" pipe or 1/2" Female x 1/8" pipe    Part#TPGC 100 for 1/2   Part#TPGC101  for 3/4
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Wall Heater Gas Valve

Part #355LEWH        1/4 male into burner x 3/8 male from gas source.Extra long stem used in many wall heaters. tapped for orifice spudOrifice not included
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Wall heater valve

Brand: Dearborn 3/8 male x 3/8 female or 1/4 male x 3/8 female            Part# 5651-6017 3/8 inch size.   Fits DWC10 Dearborn      Part# 5651-6017 1/4 inch  fits many older heaters. No...
Valves - Manual On/Off Valves

Wall heater valve { Valve discontinued }

Brand: Dearborn Part# 5651-6020    Valve Fits DWC Dearborn models 18 &25 NO LONGER MADE
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Wall Valve

1/2" Female pipe x 1/8" Male pipe    BALL VALVE  Part #18M12TPGC
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Washer and Nut

Brand: Dearborn Valve Part Fits many older style valves  Part#5651-0000